Estate Planning
Helping You Get Your Affairs in Order

Estate Planning Documents
- Trusts
- Last Will and Testaments
- Power of Attorney
- Advanced Healthcare Directives
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Guardian and Conservatorships
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Estate Planning Documents
Wondering what it takes to get your affairs in order?
Let us help. We will make sure all your affairs are in order with the necessary Estate Planning Documents that best fit you and your family. We can help you prepare any of the following:
A Trust is a legal entity designed to last longer than the lives of it’s creators. It can help distribute your assets after your death. The benefits of a trust include: avoiding the cost and expense of a long probate in the courts and continuing projects long after death.
Types of Trusts Include:
- Living
- Irrevocable
- Special Needs
Last Will and Testament
The Preparation of a Will is to distribute your assets after death. They require the court process in Probate to distribute those affairs as indicated in your Will.
Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney are designed to designate another person the power to handle either financial affairs or medical affairs for another in the event they are unable to do so for themselves. These powers can be granted immediately upon executing these documents or later on when the person becomes incapacitated and no longer able to handle their affairs. Keep in mind, the person granting these powers to another must be of sound mind and capable of signing over these powers at the time the documents are formed.
Advanced Healthcare Directive
Advanced Healthcare directive are designed to give a another person the power to determine what types of medical treatments and decisions can be made on your behalf. It provides a detailed description of what you want in regards to your medical affairs and grants another to act on those without further consulting you the patient.
For more Information or to Get Started on your Estate Planning
Contact us online here.
Guardianships and Conservatorships
Your loved ones matter to you and when they are unable to manage their affairs on their own, they need someone else to help. Both a Guardianship and a Conservatorship require the court system to appoint another individual to step in and manage affairs properly. Let us help you.
Guardianships require court intervention to appoint an individual to manage the affairs of a minor child.
Conservatorships place a third person in charge of an individual’s financial and medical affairs by petitioning the court for approval.
For More Information, Contact us online here.
Law Offices of Thomas M. McIntosh
2122 N. Broadway Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92706